Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) is a research centre of the University of the Arts London dedicated to the exploration of the rich complexities of sound as an artistic practice.
Our main aim is to extend the development of the emerging disciplinary field of sound arts and to encourage the broadening and deepening of the discursive context in which sound arts is practised.
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Research Feature: Aral Sea Stories
Aral Sea Stories explores the question, “What can we learn of water uses and abuses by listening to their sounds?” and concerns the near extinction and partial restoration of the Aral Sea in Central Asia over the last sixty years – a story of destruction, but also of hope.
Further infomation on Aral Sea Stories
Member Profile: Sunil Chandy
Sunil Chandy, CRiSAP PhD student, comes from a background of music and theology - 'The gathering of people and the sounds they make greatly interest me, whether its singing, talking, praying, clapping or laughing.'
Further infomation on Sunil Chandy