Category: Uncategorised

Annea Lockwood LibGuide

screen shot of a library guide web page - image of annea lockwood smiling, an introductory text and tabs with information, these include "catalog of works"

Following Wild Energies Live Materials in April 2022, a three-day online event presenting new and existing research and artistic responses to the rich variety of the work of composer and sound artist Annea Lockwood, contributor Alexis Bhagat has now completed a LibGuide on Annea Lockwood in collaboration with out Library team here at LCC.

Wild Energies: Live Materials 27, 28, 29 April 2022

warer surface with plants, lily pads and the reflection of sky. Wild Energies event poster white text over laid, transcribed on webpage

Wild Energies: Live Materials begins today, 27 April 2022! Join us tonight (April 27) at 6pm BST (London time) for the opening panel and the Keynote conversation with Annea Lockwood and Hildegard Westerkamp.

Visiting Researcher: Natalia Kowalska-Elkader

profile image of Natalia Kowalska-Elkader

This summer term we look forward to welcoming Dr. Natalia Kowalska-Elkader to CRiSAP, to conduct her research into British and Polish methodologies and approaches to sound studies.

RTM.FM Call for Contributions

CRiSAP Doctor and Associate Lecturer Kevin Logan is inviting contributions to a monthly radio show program on RTM.FM

Timothy Smith, new Post Doctoral researcher on Listening Across Disciplines II

A portrait profile image

CRiSAP’s PhD Doctor Timothy Smith will be joining the Listening Across Disciplines II (LxDII) research project for a three month Post Doc on the final phase of the project. LxDII systematically investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities, science, social science and technology.

Sound Arts Now reviewed in Leonardo Journal

Read the Sound Arts Now review in Leonardo Journal. Sound Arts Now, by Cathy Lane and Angus Carlyle, explores contemporary artistic practices and theories, and what contributes to or hinders artistic and career development. This is conducted through a series of interviews with artists and curators, putting the often-unheard voice of the maker at the centre of the discourse.