
Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) is a research centre of the University of the Arts London dedicated to the exploration of the rich complexities of sound as an artistic practice.


Our main aim is to extend the development of the emerging disciplinary field of sound arts and to encourage the broadening and deepening of the discursive context in which sound arts is practised.

Research Feature: The River Goes On

Intraregionale Festival presents Prof Cathy Lane‘s new multichannel sound work 'Square Peg Round Hole' at the festival venue Langenhagen Chapel. 'Square Peg Round Hole' concerns the largely unknown and undocumented inhabitants of the Langenhagen ‘Idiot Asylum’ many of whom we presume were buried in the circular cemetery which was originally attached to the chapel which is the site of the work. The title of the work refers to the English expression for someone who does not fit in to the society or the environment that they find themselves in; and the work is a meditation on their lives, the nineteenth century mission to ‘normalise the abnormal’ and the nature of communication and language.
Further infomation on The River Goes On

Member Profile: Syma Tariq

Syma's PhD is titled 'Partition’s sonic condition: listening through the postcolonised archive'. Her practice-based research focuses on the discursive and temporal separations embedded in histories of the 1947 partition – the division of the British Raj into independent India and (east and west) Pakistan – through their sonic-archival forms.
Further infomation on Syma Tariq

News: Aural Literacy Workshops - Sounding Knowledge Network

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