Suelo Fértil [Fertile Soil]
A Telematic Sonic Performance: a live improvisation between 4 performers in London and 4 performers in Mexico, exploring ideas of migration, belonging and place.
Led by Ximena Alarcón for UNESCO's Arte en Tránsito [Art in Transit] Forum, Mexico City.
London: 4.45 - 6.30pm
at CRiSAP, London College of Communication
Email to reserve a place
Free with limited capacity.
This live Telematic Sonic Performance will take place simultaneously in both London and Mexico. The performers will improvise together through an online connection for audiences in both London and Mexico. The performance will also be live streamed online by Resonance FM.
The telematic improvisation is a conversation with sounds, an invitation to cultivate a virtual dialogue of words, voices and sounds between migrant women in Mexico and the UK, that nourishes a fertile soil to inhabit migratory contexts.
Through a personal and collective reflective process, via Internet, eight migrant women residing in Mexico, the United Kingdom, Austria and the United States, have for one-month practiced Deep Listening, including listening to: their voice, dreams, memories, body and the outer environment. In this manner they have recognised the vast territories that they inhabit and how these connect with their inner self, transcending identities and the sense of belonging to a specific ‘place’, listening to the rich complexity that is generated through space, time and memory in the migratory experience.
Using binaural sound and bi-directional audio, the telematic performance will connect two physical spaces, in Mexico City and London, from which the participants will share with the audience the spaces that they have discovered. The processes of listening, connection and performance will focus on questioning which are the conditions that each requires for that soil to breath as fertile. They will be joined by other women from the audience while exploring through sonic actions the shared migratory conditions of uncertainty, certainty and risk.
In London the performance will take place at CRiSAP, London College of Communication and is co-produced by Holly Ingleton. In Mexico the performance will take place at CENART, Mexico City. Online, the performance will be live streamed by Resonance FM from 5-6pm.
Performers Conversation: Ana Cecilia Medina, Gabriela Gordillo, Jazmín, María Ponce, Miho Hagino, Sol, Yasmin Kuymizakis and Yesica Barrera.
Fertile Soil is part of the Forum Arte en Tránsito [Art in Transit] and commissioned by UNESCO Mexico, in collaboration with CRiSAP (Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice) - London College of Communication, the Center for Deep Listening (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy), Resonance FM, Soundjack, and the Centro Nacional de las Artes (CENART).