Ora is a monthly series of one-hour long debates and voyages into listening and writing by Daniela Cascella and Salomé Voegelin, with occasional guests, broadcast on Resonance104.4FM at 8pm GMT on the 4th Thursday of each month.
This month: Ora 20 : Performing Silences
As part of their ongoing collaboration, Daniela Cascella and Salomé Voegelin were invited to perform Ora live within the context of the Science Museum Workshop Silence & Music, held in February at the Royal College of Music and organised by Tim Boon and Aleksander Kolkowski. They improvised sounds, texts, materials and voices that do not explain or interpret but practice rhythms, repetitions, coincidences and discordancies to produce aesthetic, poetic and political silences.
Listen to Ora 20 and read more about Ora 20 on the Ora website.
Read more about the Ora series on https://www.ora2013.wordpress.com/