Sound, Identity, and Territory
A pre-congress event at the 8th International Congress of Audiovisual Researchers
23-25 June, online, with head-office at Lusófona University in Lisbon.
Ticketed, see event website for details
Sound, Identity, and Territory, one of a series of pre-congress events will include contributions from CRiSAP researchers Salomé Voegelin and Peter Cusack on June 23rd:
Workshop of field recordings with Peter Cusack
A workshop (in person) exploring the hidden sounds of cities that often go unnoticed.
Hearing through my window at home
A talk with Peter Cusack (in person) reflecting on his lock down listening during the pandemic, considering privacy, aural health and sonic footprints.
How the voice speaks the body in its transformations
A conference session with Salomé Voegelin (online) debating how the voice disrupts the image and queers its form.
Read the full details and book tickets on the International Congress website.
About the 8th International Congress of Audiovisual Researchers
The main goal of the international congress is to develop understanding of the paradigm shift set in motion by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the production of Digital Contents. The 2021 edition features a new thematic area: Audio Experience, to be added to Digital Content, Technologies, Cultural Industries, Training and Literacies in Communication and Digital Marketing.
Image: Listening Station by Lukas Kühne at Lisboa Soa Festival