In Transglashphõnē
Telematic sonic performance using Internet, bi‐directional streaming, mobile streaming
ShowTime! Symposium
Saturday 15 October 2016
A real-time bidirectional streaming of ‘nomadic voices’ between London and Cambridge, for the audience to perceive a deterritorialized sense of place and respond creatively using Twitter. The visualisation of this textual response will be projected simultaneously on a wall. The text will serve as the translated experience from the Cambridge audience, of distant voices and sounds, suggesting the expansion of spaces for living and being, through a mixture of languages and multiple identities.
FLO (Female Laptop Orchestra) is a music research project founded in 2014 by Nela Brown with the aim of bringing together female musicians, artists, engineers, composers, hackers and scientists to explore co-located and distributed collaborative music making within different contexts. The first two FLO performances (Klang 2015 and PQ2015) were centred around an algorithmic system for mediating collaboration in telematic improvisation called Union (developed by Shelly Knotts) and included three co-located and six remote performers. In Transglasphõné, FLO’s current performance, has involved Ximena Alarcón, Nela Brown, Magdalena Chudy, and Maria Papadomanolaki streaming audio from different indoor and outdoor locations around London over to the audience in São Paulo (CMMR 2016). For audience of ALL2016, FLO performers will stream and improvise between London and Cambridge.
Read the full event description on the Art Language Location website:
In Transglashphõnē is part of the Contemporary & Performance Art Festival's Symposium Showtime!:
ARU's annual ALL Showtime! Symposium of talks, performances and discussions, moderated this year by our guest speaker, curator Tom Morton. Read more and book tickets on the Art Language Location website: