Visiting Practitioners Series: Guy Sherwin
Thursday 1 November | London College of Communication (Lecture Theatre A)
2pm – 4pm | Open to all
If you do not have a UAL student or staff ID please email to book a place
Guy Sherwin studied painting at Chelsea School of Art in the late 1960s before being drawn to the radical film practice of the London Film-Makers' Co-operative, where he taught printing and processing during the mid '70s. His films investigate fundamental qualities of cinema such as light and time, and often use serial forms or live elements to extend its possibilities. The unique, elusive qualities of analogue film are explored through experiments with sound, image and film in live performance.
CRiSAP and the Sound Arts Department at LCC co-run a Visiting Practitioners Series of weekly talks at the college, exploring the diverse field of sound arts practice. Each term member of Sound Arts staff curates the series of talks, inviting a number of sound practitioners to share their work.