Visiting Practitioners Series
9 January - 12 March 2020
Thursdays at 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Lecture Theatre B
London College of Communication
CRiSAP and LCC's Sound Arts & Design Department co-run a Visiting Practitioners Series of weekly talks at the college, exploring the diverse field of sound arts practice. Each term one sound arts staff member curates the series of talks, inviting a number of sound practitioners to share their work. Primarily for the current BA, MA and PhD sound arts students at LCC, these talks are also open to students and staff across all UAL colleges and courses. If you are not a UAL staff member or student and would like to attend, please contact Annie Goh (no less than 48h before).
The Spring Term 2020 lecture series has been curated by Annie Goh (Associate Lecturer, LCC)
9 January | Evan Ifekoya
16 January | Chooc Ly Tan
23 January | Jennifer Walshe
30 January | Andrea Zarza Canova
13 February | Khairani Barokka
20 February | Edward George
27 February | Paul Purgas
5 March | Rebecca Lee
12 March | Madison Moore
For more information about each practitioner, please read their bios on the events page here.