Leyla Neyzi: (Re)considering ‘voices At The Margins’ Through Multimodal And Experimental Ethnography’
Wednesday 22nd Sept at 3pm BST online
‘Voices at the Margins?’ summer school share their Keynote lecture in this public session on Wednesday 22nd September. Join the event by booking here to receive a zoom link: https://voicesatmargins.wordpress.com/keynote/
Leyla Neyzi is a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor and Research Fellow in History at the University of Glasgow. She is Professor (on leave) in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabanci University, Istanbul. An anthropologist and oral historian, her areas of research and teaching include oral history in conflict-affected settings, memory studies, Kurdish studies, youth cultures, ethnicity and minorities, violence, displacement and diaspora.
‘I will begin by reading a brief excerpt from my book in progress. In this lecture, I will reflect on my experiences in the field in Turkey as a US-trained anthropologist and oral historian. Variously insider and outsider, I worked with diverse communities: transhuman pastoralists, ethnic and religious minorities, youth in Turkey and its bourgeoning diaspora…’ read more.
VOICES AT THE MARGINS? is a five-day summer school organised by and for PhD researchers, convend by TECHNE students Syma Tariq (CRiSAP, UAL), Vanessa Tautter, Martha Beard and Áine McKenny (University of Brighton). The aim of the summer school is to provide a constructive and supportive space to explore the questions and challenges that arise when working with memory, history and “marginal” voices.