Colloquium: Sound Art – Music

Colloquium: Sound Art – Music


Edited by Thomas Gardner and Salomé Voegelin

Published by Zero Books

In 2012, Thomas Gardner and Salomé Voegelin hosted a colloquium entitled Music - Sound Art: Historical Continuum and Mimetic Fissures at the London College of Communication, UAL. This meeting dealt with the current debate concerning the relationship between sound art and music and focused on the precept that sound art and music evolve in a shared context and that the joint navigation of this common terrain would allow for new creative approaches to be taken and new critical insights to be established on how we produce, listen to and engage in works with sound.

This book proposes the opening of the colloquium to a wider readership through the publication of a decisive range of the material that defined the event. It includes the transcripts of the original colloquium discussions, the provocations that initiated its debates as well as responses to its themes written after the event. It declares the relationship between sound art and music “colloquial”: spoken and accessible, rather than locked behind disciplinary boundaries, and aims to raise some pressing and relevant questions without providing answers, opening up the continuum between concert hall and gallery space, between record collection, radio, sound on-site , online and the everyday.

With contributions from: Allen S. Weiss, Nye Parry, David Toop, Volkmar Klien, Aura Satz, Leigh Landy, Cathy Lane, Simon Emmerson, Claudia Molitor and Kathy Hinde. With a postscript by Kate Lacey.


“The act of listening is a complex web of interconnected behaviour and mental manoeuvring between music, pure sound and historical context. This book is an important tool to negotiate the gap between the history of music and the wider panorama of sonic art.” - Anne Hilde Neset, writer, broadcaster and artistic director, nyMusikk, Oslo.

“Of course we need this book! Why? Because we take too much for granted about the relationship between sound art and music. Because we need incisive, creative thinkers, like the ones gathered in these pages, to help us separate the conjoined twins of sonic practice, such that they might – via their independence – contrive a more salubrious kinship.” ~ Seth Kim-Cohen, Assistant Professor of Art History, Theory, and Criticism, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Book Launch Events

The Showroom - Book Launch, Performance and Screening

November 2nd 2016

The launch features a performance by Thomas Gardner, David Mollin and Salomé Voegelin, practising the relationship between sound and music with words, movements, numbers and cello, and a screening of Aura Satz’ film 'Little Doorways to Paths Not Yet Taken', (2016) about composer Laurie Spiegel’s musing on electronic music and the compositional process. Read more.


London College of Communication - Book Launch and Listening Event

February 1st 2017

The listening event will take place in the Upper Street gallery at London College of Communication, featuring work by Kathy Hinde, Volkmar Klien, Cathy Lane, Claudia Molitor, Nye Parry and David Toop. The evening will serve as an informal platform to continue the aim of the book, to make the relationship between sound art and music “colloquial”: spoken and accessible through dialogue and the practice of a collective listening.


Royal College of Art - Book Launch

February 28th 2017

Further information coming soon.

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Paperback ISBN 978-1-78279-895-8
E-book ISBN 978-1-78279-894-1
232 pages


Book cover - Colloquium: Sound Art Music