Points of Listening

Points of Listening

Listening events

2014 – Current

Co-convened by Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright


Points of Listening (PoL) is a monthly programme of experimental workshops, activities and discussions based in and around London. Events are open to the public and held at London College of Communication in addition to various locations, outdoors and indoors, throughout the city.

PoL seeks to promote and investigate listening together: to perform a ‘musica practica’ of remote listening, socio listening, technological listening, affective listening, textual listening, non-human listening, inaudible listening and more. It is an expanded and nomadic arena for practice and research that facilitates experimental scenarios with a participatory and performative emphasis.

Past presenters include: Ximena Alarcón, Ian Rawes, Maria Papadomanolaki, David Toop, Cathy Lane, Daniela Cascella, Dan Scott, Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan, Angus Carlyle, Dawn Scarfe, Peter Cusack, Viv Corringham, Kevin Logan, John Wynne, Moushumi Bhowmik & Sukanta Majumdar and Ernst Karel.

PoL is co-convened by Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright in association with CRiSAP University of the Arts, London.


Points of Listening has a dedicated website with a full listing of past events, all of which have been recorded - https://pointsoflistening.net/