Soundings and Re-Soundings: a theme and variations
Soundings and Re-Soundings: a theme and variations
Professorial Platform Event & Publication
by Cathy Lane
at London College of Communication
27 April 2017
How is memory formed and reformed? How do pieces of history get lost? What happens when we only hear one side of a story or when the sonic traces of other perspectives have disappeared?
Cathy Lane works with the sounding out of individual and collective memories that have been overlooked or muted. These may relate to place, family, labour or aspects of social, cultural and political life.
This professorial platform took the form of a multichannel performative lecture and was accompanied by a publication.
Research Links:
Read more about this event on the UAL Blog and find out more about UAL Professorial Platform Lecture Series on the UAL website.
Publication design by
ISBN 978-1-906908-43-0
34 Pages
April 2017
A limited number of the publications are available, please contact us with your name and address to receive a free copy: