The Voice and its Double

The Voice and its Double

Online Exhibition

2009 - 2023

Curated by Michael Hiltbrunner

The Voice and its Double is an online exhibition curated by Michael Hiltbrunner for CRiSAP, on experiments in the artistic use of the recorded voice.

Inspired by his own artistic practice, the Zurich-based artist and researcher Michael Hiltbrunner has compiled an anthology that stretches back from the present to the time of the earliest recordings, selecting work that shadows his own preoccupations with repetition and with the original and the 'copy' whether articulated through the dynamic process of recording or through notation, synthesization or instrumental adaptation.

Artists / Musicans: Werner Bärtschi, Françoise Canal, Henri Chopin, Christian Flamm, François Dufrêne, Colin Guillemet, Michael Hiltbrunner, Francesco Hoch, Åke Hodell, Honey-Suckle Company & Konrad Sprenger, Institut fuer, Feinmotorik, Isidore Isou, Franck Leibovici, Gordon Monahan, Ladislav Novák, Gabriel Pomerand, Giorgio Ronna & Matias Aguayo, Sandra Scarnati, Kathrin Sonntag, Laurie Spiegel, Veronika Spierenburg & Sabina Leone, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Carl Stumpf and Bogdan Zoubowitch.


After a 14 year run, the exhibition was finally taken offline in April 2023. An archive record of the exhibition is being created and will be shared online later in 2023.

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