Archives: Events

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Acts of Air: Reshaping the urban sonic

Acts of Air is an online exhibition for offline participation, inviting you to reshape your urban sonic present by enacting these 14 sound works directly in urban spaces.

UAL Research Season


Throughout March 2021 all 6 UAL Colleges will host activities for staff and PhD students reflecting the richness and diversity of ongoing research at UAL. Our events will look into Black Lives Matter, climate change, COVID-19, decolonisation, intersectionality, and sustainability. Catch CRiSAP in the following Research Season events.

Unfolding Narratives 2


Unfolding Narratives 2 is the second work-in-progress exhibition for PhD students at London College of Communication (LCC), and demonstrates a range of concepts, methods and forms across various stages of the doctoral academic journey.


Sound Arts Visiting Practitioners Series


Weekly talks exploring the diverse field of sound arts practice. A CRiSAP and LCC Sound Arts collaboration, this term curated by Annie Goh.

Meet the Centres


At Meet the Centres, CRiSAP Director Prof. Cathy Lane will present on the latest research directions of CRiSAP. Hear from Cathy and the research centre Directors from all of the UAL centres, discussing recent research and exploring the UAL research strategy themes of Environmental Change, Health and Wellbeing, Digital Futures and Community Resilience.