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Salomé Voegelin Keynote at ‘I am not sitting in a room’ conference

24th June 2022 - 27th June 2022

red test on grey and white lined background "I am not sitting in a room - urban, political and social resonances"

Salomé Voegelin will give the Keynote address at ‘I am not sitting in a room – urban, political and social resonance‘ conference taking place on June 24 – 26th at Bauhaus University Weimar.


The conference asks – How can we design urban, political and social spaces – starting from the sense of hearing

The Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus University Weimar invites sound theorists and artists to explore urban, political, and social spaces on a sonic level in three thematic blocks. The interdisciplinary conference will focus on the question of how our environment would change if we were to shape it based on what we hear

Urban resonances deal with the past and future of acoustic urban space design. How would our future cities look like if they were designed and shaped acoustically? To what extent urban sound design requires the cooperation of different groups and actors? Scientific analyses as well as artistic strategies for the composition of space-sound will be presented

Political resonances are dedicated to the Politics of Listening. Can listening enable political resistance? With focus on the analysis of soundscapes, to make previously unperceived narratives audible, the organizers also hope to find solutions to the increase of social fragmentation caused by the “Green Deal.

Social resonances explore our acoustic coexistence with the non-human environment. How can we connect with animals? And how can we make their voices more heard? These questions will be explored in an interdisciplinary way, including an attempt to create a collective inter-species chorus of humans and non-human animals.

In addition to lectures on the three topics, the conference offers four different workshops. The event will be accompanied by artistic interventions.


For more information visit: https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/kunst-und-gestaltung/professuren/experimentelles-radio/ 



24th June 2022
27th June 2022


Bauhaus University Weimar


Bauhaus University Weimar