Jono Gilmurray awarded a Biosphere Soundscapes artistic residency

CRiSAP PhD student Jono Gilmurray has been awarded a place on the inaugural Biosphere Soundscapes artistic residency and interdisciplinary laboratory, taking place in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve in Quintana Roo, Mexico, from Oct 26th to Nov 4th.
The residency will focus on the creative and scientific possibilities of listening, and will involve participants exploring the environment through sound, learning about the Sian Ka’an biosphere reserve, and collaborating with a dynamic team at the intersection of art, science, and technology. Jono is one of only three international participants to have been selected for the residency.

Founded by Dr Leah Barclay in 2012, Biosphere Soundscapes is a large-scale interdisciplinary project underpinned by the creative possibilities of acoustic ecology, bioacoustics and rapidly evolving fields of biology used to record environmental patterns and changes. The project is designed to inspire communities across the world to listen to the environment and explore the value of sound as a measure for environmental health and ecological engagement in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

More information can be found on the project’s website: