Professor Angus Carlyle’s Professorial Platform Lecture ‘Rough Notes’

You are warmly invited to Professor Angus Carlyle’s Professorial Platform Lecture ‘Rough Notes’ at London College of Communication on Feb 8th, 6.30pm.


Angus Carlyle is Professor of Sound and Landscape at UAL: 

"Over the last ten years, my work has been animated by a curiosity about our relationships with the environment around us. Initially exploring architecture and photography as processes that made those relationships concrete, more recently I have explored how sound can be both a significant part of the environment and a creative way of addressing how we perceive that environment."


A new publication has also been specially made for the event, designed and produced by Uniform Books:

book cover - Rough Notes
Rough Notes books stacked

Full details and booking can be found on the UAL website here.