Call for papers – Sounding the Archive

Sounding the Archive: Early Career Researcher Master Class

28 June 2019 | 10.30am – 16.00pm | Wellcome Collection, London.

DEADLINE for proposals: 24 May.


If an archive is a repository of actual things, then what place does sound, by nature immaterial, have in an archive? How can interdisciplinary scholars utilise sound to inform their own work?

Inspired by the Wellcome Collection’s unique and distinctive collections, this master class will consider ways in which methodologies drawn from sound studies, museology and sound art practice can activate our understanding of historic material in new ways.

We invite early career researchers (including master’s and doctoral students, plus postdoctoral researchers) who use (or are interested in using) sound to express their interest in participating. Researchers who would like to present their own work – in the form of lightning papers (up to ten minutes each) or sonic, performative interventions – are encouraged to send us details. There will be slots for three lightning papers and two interventions. Participation without proposing a paper or intervention is also welcomed.

The master class will connect practitioners and theorists in sound and bio-medical acoustic engineering from the AHRC funded Listening Across Disciplines II project, the Science Museum and Wellcome Collection with sonically-interested researchers.

Please RSVP by 24 May, with a short statement (max. 200 words) about why you wish to participate, by email to Louise Marshall (

Places will be confirmed by 31 May 2019. The master class is free to attend, but pre-registration is essential. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.


Organisers – Dr Louise Marshall, technē Innovation Fellow (Research Development), Dr Elma Brenner (Research Development Specialist).

Keynote lecture by Prof Salomé Voegelin, Prof Anna Barney, Dr Mark Peter Wright and Dr Sandra Pauletto (Listening Across Disciplines II); other participants include Dr Farrah Lawrence-Mackey, Science Museum, and students from the Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP)


Image: Sonic representations. Acoustics: page to a partwork on science with pictures of musical instruments. Coloured lithograph by John Emslie (1850) after himself. Wellcome Collection iconographic no. 47009i. Courtesy of the Wellcome Collection.