Call for contributions
Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo, Japan)
4 & 5 October 2019
A collaboration between
Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP), University of the Arts London
Graduate School of Global Arts (GA), Tokyo University of the Arts
Deadline for proposals: 17 June 2019
We are pleased to announce a call for contributions to SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM (SGFA) – Tokyo, a research event investigating scholarly and artistic research in the context of sound in all its various creative and theoretical forms, gender and activism.
This open call welcomes responses from all relevant disciplines and in a variety of formats from short academic presentations to more experimental contributions. These may include sound works, moving image work, performances etc.
Our aim is to share research with a view to establishing a network of researchers and practitioners working in these areas in Japan and beyond. The final format of the event will be generated around the contributions received.
SGFA was originally initiated in 2012 by researchers and artists based at the Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) research centre at the University of Arts London (UAL). CRiSAP’s aim is to extend the development of the emerging disciplinary field of sound arts and to encourage the broadening and deepening of the discursive context in which sound arts is practiced. Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism is part of ongoing research into historic and contemporary feminist discourses in sound and experimental music that we have been conducting with various collaborators. This research aims to expand and to question the place and performance of activism within the discourses and practices of sound arts, sound-based arts and experimental musics that are engaged with gender, feminist and queer politics and to contribute to a growing network of researchers and practitioners working in these areas. Different incarnations of SGFA took place in London in 2012, 2014 and 2016 attracting a diverse range of international presenters and attendees.
SGFA-Tokyo is a collaboration between CRiSAP, University of the Arts London and the Graduate School of Global Arts (GA) at Tokyo University of the Arts, initiated by Japanese artist Tomoko Hojo, and seeks to extend the already existing international network.
Proposals and presentations will be accepted in English and Japanese.
Please send expressions of interest (including your name, affiliation, contact details), a description of the theme, topic and format of your presentation (maximum 150 words) and a short biography (maximum 100 words) by midnight 17 June 2019 to
For a Japanese language version of this call, please follow this link
For more information please see
CRiSAP | Graduate School of Global Arts (GA), Tokyo University of the Arts | Tomoko Hojo | SGFA2012 | SGFA2014 | SGFA2016 | SGFA Zine | Feminisms and the Sonic | Her Noise Archive
Image: Franziska Barczyk, ‘Women speak out’ © Barczyk 2018. Courtesy of the artist.