Splinters, new album by Kate Carr

Splinters, by Kate Carr, available in Record/Vinyl and Digital Album on Bandcamp.

‘Splinters as a composition has a dream like quality, dark and enigmatic. Electronic noise colours the drone and bubbling soundscapes of a somewhere. Repeating musical phrases mix with recognisable sounds from life – a spoken utterance, a rumbling train. As a listener you drift with the current through misty scenes, on a journey down a river towards some marshland on the edge of an urban sprawl.

Made in response to an invitation from TACO! – an artist space in Thamesmead in South East London – Splinters documents Kate Carr’s relationship with that space, and the area of London it is located in. Over an 18 month period Kate kept a growing sonic diary of her journeys to the space from her home, her construction of work in the gallery, her wanderings around the green spaces and urban architecture, the coming and goings of visitors and the artistic material from other artists and musicians working at the space. This work is a sonic portrait of a time and a place, and the actions and events within it.’

Read more and buy on bandcamp