Collecting, Archiving & Networks and The Activist & Confrontational Voice – New documentation videos from SGFA Tokyo

Watch documentation from our conference Sound Gender Feminism Activism Tokyo, a collaboration with the Graduate School of Global Arts (GA), Tokyo University of the Arts.

We've just uploaded more presentations from the panels 2a Collecting, Archiving & Networks and 2b The Activist & Confrontational Voice:

The full list of contributors to this panel, their abstracts and bios can be read in the SGFA program.


More videos from the conference will be uploaded soon, but you can watch all of the presentations shared so far in this SGFA Tokyo vimeo showcase.


About SGFA Tokyo

SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM (SGFA Tokyo) was a two day conference in Tokyo investigating the relationships between sound in all its various creative and theoretical forms, gender and activism. SGFA Tokyo is a collaboration between Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP), University of the Arts London and Graduate School of Global Arts (GA)Tokyo University of the Arts.

Read more about SGFA Tokyo

Conference Team: Cathy LaneTomoko Hojo & Yoshitaka Mori | Programming: Cathy Lane & Irene Revell  | Administration & Content Support: Claire M. Holdsworth  |  Performance Programming: Holly Ingleton & Syma Tariq  |  Assistance: Louise Gray (Louise Marshall), Tomotaro Kaneko, Ai Kano & Tomo Yamazaki  |  Poster Design: Rika Nakashima |  Technical Assistance: Wataru Shoji & Chiho Oka  |  Funding from: Tokyo University of the Arts, CRiSAP, London College of CommunicationUniversity of the Arts LondonNomura Foundation and Mai Muto Memorial MCS Research and Education Fund.