Timothy Smith, new Post Doctoral researcher on Listening Across Disciplines II

CRiSAP's PhD Doctor Timothy Smith will be joining the Listening Across Disciplines II (LxD II) research project for a three month Post Doc on the final phase of the project. LxD II systematically investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities, science, social science and technology.

This is an AHRC funded project based at London College of Communication (LCC), University of the Arts London (UAL) and University of Southampton (UoS). Dr Salomé Voegelin, CRiSAP Member and Professor of Sound (UAL), is the principal investigator. Dr Anna Barney, Professor in Biomedical Acoustic Engineering (UoS) is the co-investigator. CRiSAP Member Dr Mark Peter Wright is the Post-Doctoral Researcher. Phoebe Stubbs is the project Administrator.

A portrait profile image

Dr Timothy Smith completed his PhD 'Queering of Memory, Temporality, Subjectivity: Subversive Methods in Audiovisual Practice' in 2020. This practice-based research attends to queer and feminist understandings of sound, memory, voice, temporality and spectrality, specifically in relation to audiovisual art. Read more about Timothy on the LxD II website.


About LxD II

LxD II continues and builds on the educational, societal and cultural impacts achieved by the global network of significant partners from across the disciplines that were brought together in the AHRC network project of the same name (2016-17). Working from this substantial and growing network of academics and non-academics, LxD II positions listening as an emerging investigative approach, able to: access new information relevant to the pressing problems of social exclusion, dementia, lung health, auscultation (medical listening) and speech recognition, and deliver new insights to curation, music, art, urban planning and civil engineering, where sound can reveal hidden potentialities and contribute to our understanding of culture and how we live together. From there, it aims to provide the infrastructure and shared terrain to develop and document, educate and disseminate information, guidelines and policies on listening that can be applied in any disciplinary context.

Read more about this research on the LxD website.