Category: News

Review – The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art

A review -4 columns of text

“It deserves a wide and engaged readership, for this is an important collection of curated essays that drives the debates around sound art into new territories. Its focus on sound as an operative force that might hold power to account makes it that rare thing, a most timely textbook.”

Un-Earthed: A festival of listening and environment

mushrooms that look like ears on a branch, collages with a building facade and text "unearthed a festival of listening and environment,"

We’re pleased to announce, ‘Un-Earthed: A festival of listening and environment’ –
A critical celebration of our relationships with the environments that we share with other people and other species. Directed by Prof. Cathy Lane. Ongoing from Summer 2020.

Documentation from SGFA 2019: Contemporary Art Practices

a vimeo still of a video showing a woman talking into a microphone by a projection. Text reads "Suzana Milveska | SGFA 2019, from CRiSAP"

SGFA 2019 | Panel 1a Contemporary Art Practices – Videos of documentation from our conference SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM Tokyo, a collaboration with the Graduate School of Global Arts (GA) at Tokyo University of the Arts, online now. 

Matterlurgy: Hearing from Artists

a bass drum on a stand in a room with a projection and equipment in the background

In the latest issue of Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art’s (MIMA) Hearing From Artists interviews, Head of Programme Elinor Morgan talks with artist duo Matterlurgy – Mark Peter Wright and Helena Hunter.

Online exhibition collection: ‘Louder Whisper’ 2011

A woman holding a large radio

Hidden away in the outer recesses of our website are some fantastic online exhibitions. ‘Louder Whisper’ was curated for CRiSAP by Meena Vari in 2011 and features works by and conversations with Ayisha Abraham, Abhishek Hazra, Yashas Shetty, Murali Cheeroth, Indu Antony, Jasmeen Patheja, Prayas Abhinav and diF (Ish S + Konrad Bayer). Each of these artist / musicians live and work in India.

Salomé Voegelin on Sin Superficie, Radionopal

A pink and purple book cover showing a woman speaing into a clutch of blank paper, with a microphone. Text around the edges reads" CUERPOS SIN LIMITE. RESONANCIAS CON SALOME VOEGELIN.

Lena Ortega at Nopal Radio Station in Mexico City interviews Salomé Voegelin, discussing bodies, skin and fabrications, with readings by Salomé and featured works by Cathy Lane, Kate Carr amongst others.

Call for works: Online sound art exhibition, Un-Earthed festival

A yellow background with white text that reads "Call for works: online sound art exhibition"

£150 fee for selected work | Deadline 17 May 2020
This online exhibition calls for sound works that explore the sonic condition of our cities around the world, interrogating how our urban spaces have been built in sound, and what our sonic agency is within them.