
Interview with Salomé Voegelin

“I want to advocate for a sonic and thus a plural and embodied education at every level, but particularly in primary school”

Listening Memories with Hannah Kemp-Welch

Sound artist and CRiSAP PhD researcher Hannah Kemp-Welch has collaborated with Southampton-based dance and movement artist Gabriel Galvez and the John Hansard Gallery, to lead a series of workshops with elderly people in and around Southampton exploring the relationship between sound, memory and gesture. The project is called Listening Memories. 

Vacancy: Course Leader, MA Music Production

A woman in a music production studio

The LCC Course Leader position for the new MA Music Production course has been re-advertised. The new deadline for application is December 16th, with interviews to follow on January 17th. Salary £48,534 – £58,474 per annum.

Kleefeld – Klangfeld, public art project in Bern by David Mollin and Salomé Voegelin

Artist with a group of seated children sat outside in the site

The project Kleefeld – Klangfeld will make the environment of a newly rebuilt local school in a culturally diverse area of the town into an ‘instrument’ to be listened to and sounded as a Klangfeld, as a sonic field, that makes audible the temporary and passing nature and use of the site: how it is inhabited by the local community in its diversity. 

Peter Cusack and Katrinem’s London Sound Walk Maps online

two images side by side. left image paved floor wtih two people walking and an overlayed map. Right image the river thames with bridge stretching over

Earlier this year, visiting artists Katrinem and Peter Cusack led a series of sound walks in and around Elephant & Castle as part of our Un-Earthed Festival of listening and environment. The walks explored an individual’s personal experience of space through walking and a series of ‘sonic places’ either side of the River Thames. Katrinem and Peter have each created maps of their sound walks, enabling anyone to take the sound walk at any time, or to listen back to recordings of Peter’s ‘sonic places’.