Category: Blog

Call for contributions: SGFA–TOKYO

graphic image of faces in black and white with pink and red hair and lips

Call for contributions SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM – TOKYO Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo, Japan) 4 & 5 October 2019   A collaboration between Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice Continue…

Louise Marshall – Post-doc Fellowship

The "Wellcome collection entrance

Recently completed PhD researcher Louise Marshall has won one of four AHRC TECHNE Innovation fellowships to work at the Wellcome Collection in London for the first six months of 2019. This post-doctoral Continue…

Artur M. Vidal – AER Residency

Installation photo - a speaker in a garden / park

For the month of August 2018 CRiSAP PhD student, Artur Vidal took part in the Outdoor School AER residency program at the Banff Centre (Alberta, Canada). Established in 1933, the Continue…

Writing Into the Maelstrom

Book cover - "Into the Maelstrom: Music, Improvisation and the Dream of Freedom"

Blog post by David Toop, ‘Writing Into the Maelstrom’: The thought of writing a book on free improvisation had been on my mind for many years. At some point in the late 1990s I discussed it with guitarist Derek Bailey. His response, sent via letter, was hardly encouraging: “A book about the British imp. music scene would be a brave venture. Do you know any two people who agree about anything?”

Metal Residency

Angus recording in the water

Chiara Caterina and I arrived for the Time and Space residency at Metal Southend with a plan to make a film during our week’s short stay, something we had once Continue…